Well, I taped the inside of the bow. That's actually more work than it sounds, since you're stretched out trying not to slide down the gunwale, while shoving wet tape up into a tiny space... But eventually I got it all done, and even peelplyed it.
Here's the test fitting of the trailer bow hook HD:
I decided to do the keel reinforcements before doing the final layer of "A" glass. That meant having to finish up the foam fairing around the keel, then back-fill the plank seams that weren't filled all of the way. Here's it all done, with peelply:
Yeah, the form frames are obviously shot for any future use. I keep whittling away at them whenever I need more space to do something.
Saturday morning I bagged on the first half of the second layer of "C" glass onto the daggerboard. Turned out pretty good. Unfortunately that operation used up the last of my vacuum bagging film, so I decided today to try to do a regular wet-layup on the second half, along the trailing and back edges:
I baby-sat it for quite awhile, making sure the glass was wrapped tightly around that edge. Let's hope it turns out ok.
Otherwise, I spent the rest of the weekend fairing foam and getting ready to laminate certain parts of the exterior. The deck (both main cabin and aft cabin) is all faired, and I also back-filled the plank seams. The lower hull half is faired but not yet back-filled. I decided that I'm not going to try to laminate over the gunwale, since getting the edge transition right will be very difficult to do while up in the air on a stepladder. I forgot how tedious it is to backfill all of the plank seams (easy, but tedious). Anyway, here's how it's looking right now (actually this was before back-filling the seams):
You can also see that I've pretty much got the bow leading edge all formed. I did end up glueing on a third piece of foam to the bow, but I'm not going to make it super-sharp; about 1/4-1/2" at the bottom leading edge, about like it was on my floats. Should be good enough.
I did not make further progress on the bow eye, since I decided I'd better get the bow leading edge nearly finalized, before trial-fitting the bow-eye.