First was the fwd beam bulkhead. Here's all the tapes for this bulkhead (both sides) ready to be cut out:
Here's the fwd beam bulkhead taped in place (except for the temporary tapes, I added those a bit later):
Temporary tapes added to fwd beam bulkhead:
Like yesterday with the aft beam bulkhead, I hope that's enough "tacking".
This is the aft fwd bunk bulkhead, getting an initial bogging on its foam edge:
The bog in the picture above is supposed to be just enough to fill the space between the hull and the bulkhead. After positioning the bulkhead in place and clamping it down, I would then form fillets...
...and then lay down the tape:
The main cabin bulkhead was about the same as the others, but slightly more challenging due to its size (plus the fun of clambering into the hull over the deck side). When doing the fwd-side tapes, I brought my taping wet-out board into the tent to minimize the number of times I'd have to climb in and out of the hull:
Here is the fwd-side of the main cabin bulkhead after taping:
I did not apply tape to about 5" below the deck, nor above the bottom drain hole, to allow for minor adjustments when joining the hull halves later.
The last bulkhead for today was the aft cabin stern bulkhead; I won't show any more pictures of taping since it's all the same after awhile. Here's some pictures though, that show the hull is rapidly starting to fill up now with bulkheads:
Pretty cool, eh? Still a lot to do though, before I can even think about unscrewing this hull half and popping it out of the mold.
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