Aft cabin stern upper bulkhead:
Yesterday I taped in the fwd bunktop. Unfortunately, I started the job off with an Oaf Moment (tm): I placed the bunktop in position, slid my jigs against it but didn't clamp them down, climbed into the hull (this was fun, squeezing between the jigs), and started bogging and filleting the long outer edge against the outer hull. Did around five feet of fillet before running out of bog, started climbing out of the hull, and ... kicked the damn bunktop with my foot, knocking it out of position and ruining the entire fillet. Lesson learned: always clamp bulkheads in place before starting to fillet - don't just trust to "I'll be careful".
Here's some shots midway thru the bunktop taping:
See the handle of the blue scissors in the picture above, off to the left? I use them for trimming wetted-out pieces of tape, that end up too long. They were once a very nice pair of scissors, now they're gunked up beyond belief.
Here's the area between the rear bunktop bulkhead and the fwd beam bulkhead; this was a tight area, and I'm proud of how it turned out:
Not that anyone will ever see it again, after the hull halves are joined. :-)
Fitting in a strip of foam to fix the gap up by the bow:
This was taken today, as I was inspecting the tape job:
Here I'm contemplating how I'm gonna tape the inside bottom of the aft cabin front bulkhead (it feels mighty roomy in there!):
The outside of the aft cabin front bulkhead:
You can see that I haven't yet taped the edge next to the cockpit floor; this is because they didn't quite line up perfectly (don't ask me why - stuff happens), and so I am going to wait for the other tapes to cure so I can neatly trim it before taping it.
Finally, here's the little aft cabin bunktop support bulkhead:
I was disappointed to discover that my bulkhead collection in the basement did not contain a ready-to-go I've got a foam blank (with the h/d insert) curing for that now, and might try to vacuum bag it tonight before bed. I did have the stern deck pieces done from earlier this year though. Tomorrow I'll also try to get the cabin settee flange done -- I'm not going to glue the settee in place until after the hulls are joined, since I have a suspicion that I'll be needing the extra manuevering room.
Well, that's enough boat stuff for now -- we're off for some pizza.
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