Sunday, September 2, 2012

First boat flip

Went back to work last week, so progress has slowed.    I sanded the aft-cabin area again today to a reasonable surface that I think is ready for primer (I hope), along with a few other areas.    Then it was time to flip the boat over and start on the bottom - no more waiting since I am starting to run out of summer and nice weather.

I wish I had some sophisticated cranes or whatnot to assist with the turnover, but alas no such luck - this was a manual job.    My nephew Daniel was visiting so of course I drafted him to help out (actually no coercion was necessary - thanks Daniel!).    This is after removing the cradles and sliding the boat over to the side of the tent:

Starting the flip:

We then slid the boat again over to the left, to have room for the flip.   I don't have any pics of the boat sitting vertical on the cabin-side since I was busy either running around or holding the boat.    Daniel was the "pusher" on the flip (and supplied most of the effort to be honest).    Once we had the boat almost on its back, I told Daniel to stay put (lol) while I took some pictures:

Once flipped, I cleaned up the laminate rough edges on the bottom of the boat, as well as some light sanding to scuff things up in preparation for the fairing compound.   I then managed to get a notch coat on the keel area and starboard side before dinner time:

You may notice that I'm not using the candy-bag method.   I have to plan these steps carefully therefore, because if I don't sand the notch coat tomorrow and apply the fill coat, I would then have to deal with the secondary-bonding issue (ie, would have to sand in between the notches).    So far I have had successful timing\scheduling throughout the fairing process and haven't had to deal with that.   First thing tomorrow morning I'll be out there sanding...


Dandy said...

Looking good, glad to see you're back in the build. I'm just about done glassing (doing the exterior of the aft coamings, aft beam mounts and wingnet tubes are the last big bits) so hopefully we can start up a west coast f-22 fleet for next summer :)

Unfortunately I glassed in my outboard on the edge of the transom without actually having an outboard to check against, so I'll have to make a little extension or something, should have put that bit off a bit!


Jay said...

Thanks Andy. Where are you located? Got a website with some pictures? :-)

Dandy said...

I'm in Alameda CA, though looking to move back north sooner rather than later. I have been keeping photos at but haven't been commenting on them (being one of the last plan builders it wasn't like I could leave resources for future builders, especially with several good build blogs out there already)
